
Showing posts from November, 2020

Automation Using Python

  Welcome to my menu program This program contains fully automated technologies that can be run directly in any flavor of linux operating system This menu program contains some great technologies like : 1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) 2. Big Data Hadoop 3. LVM partition technique 4. Web Server 5. Yum  6. Docker This menu-driven program is built in python that can be useful in automation of above mentioned technologies. 1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Using this menu program, you can do following things : - AWS key pairs      - Describe key pair     - create key pair     - Delete key pair - EC2 instance     - Create Instance     - Describe Instance     - Start Instance     - Stop Instance     - Reboot Instance     - Terminate Instance - Create AWS security group - EBS volume     - Create EBS volume     - Attach EBS volume     - Detach EBS volume     ...

Create High Availability Architecture With AWS CLI

 Architecture of website that gives high speed, low latency, guaranteed  data availability and durability to the client. Doing practical is so simple but designing it/ architect it for proper use case is not that much easy. You should know everything. To create this architect on AWS CLI, we need some simple steps: 1 - Launch ec2 instance We've launched an ec2 instance, Amazon Linux 2 AMI in ap-south-1a 2 - Create an EBS Volume so we've created an EBS Volume of 1GiB in ap-south-1a as region of instance and EBS volume should be same. 3 - Attach volume to the instance Done! 4 - Install Apache web server in our instance Here we can see that httpd is installed.  5 - Create partition in EBS Block Device and mount with Document Root.  By this, we made our document root persistent. We won't loose our data and code if root device corrupts. 6 - Create S3 Bucket Bucket created!! 7 - Copy the file/image to the bucket As we all know about the durability and accessibility of data ...

AWS - Create EBS, Launch instance and attach

To Launch an instance in AWS, and create EBS and attach it to the instance, you can follow these steps : STEP 1 : Create a key pair in AWS. In AWS console, in EC2 service, you can create your key pair as shown in picture below: Enter the key pair name, choose putty if you want to ppk,  enter the desired tag and create. key will be saved in your system too. STEP 2 : Create a security group In EC2 service, you can add security group. Click on Create security group to create a security group. add security group name and description. in inbound rule type, for now you can allow all traffics. then create. STEP 3 : Launch an instance using above key pair and security group. to launch an instance, go to EC2 service in your aws account. Click on launch instance. Select Amazon Linux or any other instance under free tier so that you won't be charged by aws. In step 2 : choose instance type - t2 micro. As its only instance eligible under free tier. Then configure instance details. In subnet ch...